Then tip your friends by tweeting them about our test or simply “Like” it by hitting the button above. How many questions are on the knowledge exam 25 How many correct answers do you need 20 Passing Score: 80 Can you take the real permit test online No. Surprise? Yes, our KS permit practice test is FREE – no fees, no charges, no even registration required. Never bother about payment requests – you won’t receive any.

Redo the practice permit test as many times as you need to enhance your knowledge and sharpen your performance skills. If the color’s red, stop and try to understand your mistake in order to not repeat it in the future. The progress bar on the left-hand side of the page will mark your answer with green if it’s correct. Sounds simple? What if it turns out pretty difficult? Not to worry – we provided hints to help you (please notice that a real Kansas DMV test doesn’t have hints). Look at the four answers that follow and click the best one. Feel the sensation of taking the real test without leaving your home! Read the first of the 40 multiple-choice questions. It follows the same structure as the real DMV exam and features similar content based on the new official 2023 Kansas Driving Handbook. Why not follow their positive example? Our 2nd KS permit practice test is brought to your home to help you practice to make perfect.

But truth is, there are even more people who passed it and now drive their own car. If you have a learning disability, such as dyslexia, then taking the written portion of a driving test can be a source of anxiety and stress. There are lots of people who complain about failing their DMV Written Test.