Lego lord of the rings blacksmith cheat code
Lego lord of the rings blacksmith cheat code

lego lord of the rings blacksmith cheat code

The Ring betrayed Isildur and was lost in the Anduin river for 2,461 years. Diminished, Sauron's spirit retreated into the East, though to the others it seemed as if the Enemy had at last perished. Elendil's son, Isildur, saw the chance and cut off the One Ring from the Dark Lord's black hand with the broken shards of Narsil. Then Sauron himself came forth, killing Gil-galad and Elendil, at the cost of being severely weakened. Doom, where they fought for the freedom of Middle-earth. However, a Last Alliance of Elves and Men led by High-Kings Elendil and Gil-galad pushed back their fores to the slopes of Mt. In that hour he bestowed upon himself the pretentious titles of "Lord of the World" and "King of Kings". Unable to break the Númenóreans through sheer force, he corrupted them and brought about both the sinking of their island Númenor and the decline of their civilization. The Dark Lord then marshalled all the strength of his armies against the Elven realms: reducing Eregion to scattered ruins, occupying the Dwarf-hold of Gundabad and conquering all of Middle-earth but for Gil-galad's kingdom. But when he put it upon his black hand, the Elves perceived the depth of his treachery and refused to either be his vassals or submit the lesser Rings of Power the Dwarves proved hard to tame, yet the gifts they had received embittered them and their treasuries were plundered by greedy Dragons, while Men succumbed to his will as the deadly Ringwraiths. Sauron had deceived them, for wishing to be sole master over all other rational wills he had fashioned the One Ring for himself to wear. Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone, Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky, Together they made many artefacts, heirlooms, magic rings and at last they forged nineteen Rings of Power: Seeming to the eyes of many as one both wise and fair, he taught the skilled Elven smiths many crafts, including the art of ring-making. Under the guise of Annatar - "the Lord of Gifts" - Sauron ventured into the western lands of Middle-earth. Background The Lord of the Rings/ The Hobbit

Lego lord of the rings blacksmith cheat code